
Neurofeedback & Photobiomodulation


What can neurofeedback help?

  • Developmental Trauma
  • Concussions
  • Asthma
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic Pain
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries
  • Migraines
  • Learning Disabilities
  • ADD
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Bipolar
  • Gastric Intestinal Issues
  • Stress Eating
  • Weight Loss
  • PTSD
  • Stroke
  • Tinnitus

Now Offering Photobiomodulation Therapy

Did you hear the news? The FDA just gave the green light for Photobiomodulation Therapy in treating Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. At The Rewired Brain, we're thrilled to offer this groundbreaking therapy that could change the lives of those struggling with these conditions. Let's transform your brain health together!

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Brain Training

Once we understand your symptoms and brain activity, we begin a program to improve your brainwave balance. This means helping some areas of the brain “calm down” and “waking” other parts of the brain. The neurofeedback training sessions can be relaxing and enjoyable. Seated in front of a computer monitor, you engage in a variety of activities which give your brain feedback. With consistency, the brain learns to adjust and you will find lasting results.

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Training for under-arousal

Individuals who are experiencing symptoms of under-arousal tend to have excess theta brain waves and low beta brain waves. (ADHD, easily distracted, low motivation, low energy, depression...)

The goal for under-aroused individuals is to reduce the level of theta waves and increase beta waves. Helping you feel more awake, focused and motivated.

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Training for over-arousal

Individuals who are experiencing symptoms of over-arousal tend to have excess beta brain waves and decreased SMR brain waves. (anxious, fidgety, hyperactive, impatient, aggressive, tension headaches...)

The goal for over-arousal individuals is to reduce the level of beta waves, and increase SMR waves. A reduction in excessive energy levels allow the mind and body to be more relaxed, yet alert at the same time.

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    Deep neurofeedback or Infra-slow Fluctuation Neurofeedback is a powerful (non-invasive) brain training that uses EEG equipment to modify brain waves in the inner parts of the brain (mainly the hypothalamus area) which help to regulate most body functions including mood, energy, blood flow, anxiety, balance, breathing, eating, focus, temperature, sleep, pain, vision, bowel functioning, and hormones. By regulating the brain through wave training using the power of learning (no magnetism or electrical currents), bodily functions become regulated too. Surface neurofeedback is a milder version of brainwave training where surface training (at specific spots of the brain) is an indirect way to reach the internal workings of the brain. ISF goes directly to the source of the dysfunction so it is usually faster and more global. ISF is evidence-based, research around the world, and is practiced utilizing reliable and valid software systems. All of the ISF clinicians around the world use the same protocols, frequencies, and same equipment, so if you choose to move, we can look into finding a clinician in your new location.


    Neurofeedback can help alleviate symptoms associated with anxiety, asthma, developmental trauma, concussions, sleep disruptions, ADHD, traumatic brain injury, fibromyalgia, migraines, learning disabilities, Raynaud's, addictions, depression, bipolar disorder, eating, gastric intestinal issues, PTSD, eating disorders, brain fog, and is also effective with athletes training for peak performance.


    Most clients find positive changes occurring between 8-12 sessions although some clients start to notice changes even during the first session. The faster you can get through the “exploration sessions” where symptoms of training might occur, the faster you get to the “good “ sessions where you experience more symptom relief. As your brain starts to practice new ways of functioning, you will probably be able to expand the time between sessions. It is impossible to know how a person may need to schedule, but a very ROUGH GUESS of the schedule looks like:

    Month One: 2-3 times per week

    Month Two: Weekly

    Month Three: Every other week

    Month Four: Every three weeks

    Month Five: Sessions as needed (very infrequent) Many clients find that a session every couple of months helps them to maintain their progress. New stressors can cause some brain dysregulation and a “tune-up” usually reminds the brain of how it should adapt.


    There is no way to know which ISF computer settings will be ideal for your brain to operate in an optimum state. ISF neurofeedback is a process where we are looking for a balance with your autonomic nervous system between the sympathetic (fight-flight-freeze response) and the parasympathetic (rest-recover-restore response) where the brain is ready for anything. Once we know this balance, other brain functions start to improve as well. Whether the brain is attempting to be very relaxed, or to deal with a life- threatening situation… it is ready and capable! When you are optimized, your brain is practicing a new way of working where it becomes regulated. The brain and body start to work in a balanced way. One common example of an ISF application is related to someone who is always anxious. This person is often in the fight-flight-freeze mode and can discover some amazing relief when the brain learns how to naturally relax again. This then often helps in reducing sleep, anxiety, bowel and depression symptoms. 

    Most people with anxiety symptoms also notice their body temperature is more regulated as the brain functions in a healthier way. After the brain is optimized, clients often note a decrease in the symptoms that brought them into the NFB sessions. Some clients don’t notice any reduction of symptoms until they are optimized and the brain practices this ideal state for a few sessions. The entire brain is making very significant (often permanent changes) so it’s important to be patient and know that these changes may take some time. In a clinical sense, you are said to be optimized when there are no negative symptoms of training noted for 3 to 5 sessions. What this usually means is that the optimal computer settings are appropriate to help the brain, and that the brain is now in a position to practice this new way of operating. Symptoms can usually be noted to dissipate after the brain is in an optimum state for a few sessions. You might be frustrated to not notice any symptom reduction before you are optimized. An everyday example of this concept might be related to downloading a new operating system on your computer. If you try to do new things with your computer while your system is downloading, you will discover that this is not possible.


    Every brain is different so the way your brain reacts to neurofeedback is also individualized. Changes start happening during the first session. Most clients notice some changes around 8-12 sessions (some good / some bad). A true commitment to change with deep neurofeedback might take awhile. If someone chooses to start with multiple sessions per week, he/she will notice change faster. The faster the brain can be optimized, the faster the symptoms dissipate. The severity of symptoms can also impact the length of time needed for deep neurofeedback to create positive changes. Keep in mind that in most cases, the brain has collected a lifetime of dysregulation, so the process of healing can take some time.


    During a session, we will talk about the symptoms you are experiencing, and discuss the 24-hour report from the previous session, so that we can decide what to do in this session. You will be connected to the biofeedback equipment using water-soluble paste to hold the sensors in place. There is NO electricity or magnetism used. You can put your feet up and relax for the session. Temperature is monitored with a finger thermometer and symptoms are tracked by a quick check-in every 5 minutes to determine changes. If you notice that you are feeling different, please let your technician know, even before your technician asks you. During the session, you will listen to deep tones that reflect your deep brain-wave patterns. Many children comment that the training tones remind them of whales talking with each other. The 24 hours after the session are really important! A report on symptoms will be sent via email and you are asked to track symptoms to determine the settings for the next session. The next session is entirely based on your symptoms both from the 24 hours as well as how you are feeling during the session.


    Usually. Deep neurofeedback is symptom-driven, which means there is often a mixture of good and bad “symptoms” associated with training. The symptoms that arise are not long-lasting and will disappear in 24-48 hours, or often during the next session. Negative symptoms can include nausea, dizziness, anxiety, depression, heart palpitations, dizziness, slowed-down, revved-up, and blurred vision. Since these symptoms can be challenging to handle, deep neurofeedback is not recommended for someone who is not in a position to feel worse during the first few sessions. For example, if someone is extremely depressed then deep neurofeedback would not be suggested. Also, it is difficult to provide ISF if the client has cognitive challenges where he/ she is unable to track 24-hour symptoms. We make sure that we only offer ISF when we are available on an emergency basis, in case you have any discomfort that cannot wait for your regularly scheduled appointment.


    Keeping an accurate account of your symptoms is vital to your training. Many clients choose to use a journal or a cell phone app journal. Since the training is working with the inner part of your brain, there is no way to track your symptoms of training, or your progress, except through your report. You will be given a 24-hour report that will help your technician to determine your training protocol for your next session. It is suggested that you try to keep your routine for the next 24 hours as normal as possible. For example, we recommend that you keep your diet as normal as possible for 24 hours. If you don’t normally eat spicy foods then do not eat spicy foods in your 24 hours. If you develop gastric symptoms during your 24 hours, then we will know that this is related to your training and not due to a new spicy food. We also recommend that you keep your usual medication usage during the 24 hours.


    It is important not to talk during the session since it’s not possible to hear the training sounds while talking. Brief talking is important though when discussing your symptoms as they arise during the session. If you feel anything unusual during the session, it’s important to tell your technician immediately. After the first few sessions, you can choose to watch a movie or read a book during your session since you can listen to the television and the training sounds at the same time.


    ISF is extremely powerful and fast, although not everyone shows significant gains from ISF. If there is a problem in the body that is not related to the brain, then ISF is not going to be an effective treatment. For example, if you have a pulled disc in your back, and are experiencing pain, the ISF can help you with managing the pain, but the muscles and bone structure can’t be healed by ISF alone. It is common knowledge though, that if you are getting into a deep sleep (which ISF can facilitate) then physiological issues can better heal. Another challenge with neurofeedback is related to possible tick-borne illnesses (such as Lyme Disease) since many tick-borne illnesses can cause both brain and body issues. If you suspect that you might have a tick-borne illness, please check with your family doctor about this.


    There are some helpful websites and research information online if you search for “Mark Smith ISF”. There are some technical articles and research published through Oxford University for those looking for more clinical information. Neurofeedback is evidence-based, APA approved, and state licensing regulated!


    No. You do not need a diagnosis in order to start neurofeedback. Also, we do not focus on giving you a diagnosis. The Rewired Brain is not set up for in-depth psychological evaluations and testing. We don't do in-depth psychological testing here - per se - but this isn't really needed to understand your presenting symptoms. We look at the brain, searching for areas of over or under-activity that correspond to your symptoms, and design a brain training program to regulate the brain and thus reduce or eliminate symptoms.

    The medical (DSM) diagnostic model doesn’t fit well into the paradigm of neurofeedback. From our point of view, functional brain disorders such as ADHD, anxiety, depression, insomnia, concussions, PTSD, memory, focus, autism, sleep, bowel challenges, tinnitus, fibromyalgia, migraines, etc. are not 'diseases' to 'treat', but are reflections of fundamental brain dysregulation; any of which could benefit from brain training. Often time symptoms dissipate or are alleviated with neurofeedback. Our treatment is not driven by a diagnosis but rather by what your brain is needing.

    As you have already read on the website, The Rewired Brain is the only provider in the St Louis area to offer Infra Slow Fluctuation neurofeedback which accesses the internal control center of the brain using basic two-channel training.Neurofeedback is more clearly viewed as ‘personal training’ rather than a ‘treatment’; a way to shift the mind out of stuck patterns to relieve the corresponding symptoms.

    To say this a different way ... If you get a diagnosis of ADHD (or whatever your presenting symptoms seem to be), what do you do next? The diagnosis doesn’t dictate a treatment or a specific strategy for symptom reduction. For example, when you have focus issues and wonder if you have ADHD, there are many root causes that might promote focus issues. The poor focus might be related to poor sleep, anxiety, a learning disability or struggles with environmental factors, for example. ADHD (as an example) is a "catch-all" diagnosis with root causes that might be quite varied. When clients look for ADHD testing, they often get a diagnosis of ADHD (or a diagnosis associated with their symptoms), but the end result of this is that they still may choose to participate in neurofeedback that helps the brain. We don't base treatment on a diagnosis, but rather on what we see in the brain that is needing to be regulated. We aren’t necessarily geared towards “coping” with a diagnosis (or your specific collection of symptoms), but rather minimizing or eliminating your symptoms.

    We are internationally board-certified, and APA and state-regulated. Neurofeedback is evidence-based, heavily researched, and is predicted to move into the number one position in the world for effectiveness in dealing with mental health challenges and associated physical issues.

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The first step in neurotherapy is talking about your goals. Let's find a time where we can meet and talk about what's on your mind.

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